@article{oai:shotoku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000630, author = {種村, 安子 and TANEMURA, Yasuko}, journal = {聖徳学園女子短期大学紀要, Bulletin of the Shotoku Gakuen Women's Junior College}, month = {Mar}, note = {Staining method for detection of acid pyrophosphatase activity was developed. The proteins separated by polyacrylamaide gel electrophoresis were transfered electrophoretically on to a nitrocellulose membrane and then stained by the method described by Barkar with some modifications. Staining patterns showed that acid pyrophosphatase was widely distributed in a variety of potato tissues except for leaves and also that acid pyrophosphatase was not comigrated with acid phosphatase.}, pages = {97--102}, title = {ジャガイモ酸性ピロホスファターゼの活性染色法とその組織別分布}, volume = {17}, year = {1991}, yomi = {タネムラ, ヤスコ} }