@article{oai:shotoku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001677, author = {藤田, 万喜子 and Fujita, Makiko}, journal = {聖徳学園岐阜教育大学紀要, Bulletin of Gifu College of Education}, month = {Feb}, note = {The Meiji Government distributed the law of the school system in the fifth year of the Meiji Era(1872). It became established in the new society through repeating revisions. In the following chapters, I will examine how this modern education system (the elementary, secondary and higher education system in Matuyama and Tokyo) influenced Shiki on the process of his development.}, pages = {331--346}, title = {正岡子規と近代の教育制度}, volume = {33}, year = {1997}, yomi = {フジタ, マキコ} }