@article{oai:shotoku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001591, author = {大塚, 容子 and Otsuka, Yoko}, journal = {聖徳学園岐阜教育大学紀要, Bulletin of Gifu College of Education}, month = {Sep}, note = {Body parts are metaphorically used in various ways in Japanese. Some of these uses reflect culturally bound Japanese ways of perception. For instance, the head is regarded as a cutting instrument, the face as power, of influence, the eyes as experience, and the mouth as a dram. Interestingly, the belly is a very important organ for Japanese people, as Japanese people regard the belly as the organ in which their mind, thoughts, of ideas are contained.}, pages = {135--147}, title = {日本語身体ことばにおける身体部位の比喩的機能}, volume = {28}, year = {1994}, yomi = {オオツカ, ヨウコ} }