@article{oai:shotoku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001502, author = {君島, 久子 and Kimishima, Hisako}, journal = {聖徳学園岐阜教育大学紀要, Bulletin of Gifu College of Education}, month = {Mar}, note = {The article is a sequel to the previous article "An Illusory Country Yelang : On the Myth of Zhuwang." Since the Writing of the orevious article, further research has been made in China. Based on the reports of the latest study conducted in China, this article introduces various legends concerning Zhuwang trans-mitted in defferent tribes and Zhuwang's shrines located in various parts of the country. Although a few comments have beenadded, the purpose of this article is to provide correct data for other researchers. The analysis will be reported in future pubications. Received Nov. 30,1990}, pages = {23--36}, title = {幻の夜郎国(其の二) : 悲劇の英雄像}, volume = {21}, year = {1991}, yomi = {キミシマ, ヒサコ} }